The modus operandi of bread pineapple

Saturday, July 26, 2014


2 eggs.

½ cup butter liquid.

1 cup sugar.

1 cup pineapple small clip (can use canned or fresh pineapple, if you use canned uses 2 tbsp syrup from pineapple).

1 teaspoon vanilla.

2 and ½ cup flour.

3 teaspoons baking powder.

¾ teaspoon salt.

½ cup grated coconut or nuts you prefer.


     Heat oven beforehand at a temperature of 175 degrees.

     Beat the eggs with the butter, and sugar using electric racket even get a creamy texture smoothly.

     Add the vanilla and pineapple chunks to the mixture of butter, sugar and volatility well.

     In a separate bowl mix flour Balbakenj powder, salt, and nuts Alambroch.

     Gradually add the flour mixture to the butter mixture and sugar, and stir well with a spoon until the wooden components in harmony.

     Pour the mixture in a rectangular tray size 25 * 13, and bake in the oven for 45 minutes, and test the tip of the knife.

     Leaves the bread to cool for 10 minutes, then cut slices and serve.
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