Healthy foods to feed the sound

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Use the following health foods and food you're mining family , within Hamitkm to become more healthy . These foods are considered healthy because they check in at least three of the following conditions :

Is a rich source of fiber, vitamins , minerals and other nutrients .
Rich in plant food and antioxidants , such as vitamin A , vitamin E and beta -carotene .
Can contribute to reducing the risk of heart disease and other health problems .
Low density of calories , which means that you are available to a larger amount of food and a smaller amount of calories.

1 - wheat germ
Located in the center of a grain of wheat , which is part of the seed is responsible for the growth and development of new plant shoots . Although it is a small part of the wheat germ , but it contains many of the nutrients . Is an excellent source of thiamin , folic acid , magnesium , phosphorus and zinc. Wheat germ also contains protein , fiber and some fat . Pour a little of it on the morning after pill hot or cold and oats .

2 - salmon with broccoli and sweet potatoes
The dish is a great example of a healthy dinner includes three of wholesome foods - broccoli , salmon and sweet potatoes .

3 - Almond

 This kind of nuts rich in nutrients - fiber , vitamin B2, magnesium , iron and calcium. One handful of almonds (about seven pills ) containing a quantity of calcium than in any other type of nuts - 23 mg . Also, a handful of one provide you with 15 % of the recommended amount of vitamin E. Like all other types of nuts , almonds contain a vegetable protein , and so do not you need to eat a lot of meat. It is also good for the heart also . Most of the fat found in almonds is mono unsaturated fat - healthy fat can help to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

4 - apples
Apple is a good source of pectin , a type of soluble fiber can help reduce the level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. Fresh apple is also a good source of vitamin C - an antioxidant which protects cells from damage . Also, vitamin C also helps in the process of the production of collagen in the connective tissue , preserve the health of capillaries and blood vessels and helps the absorption of iron .

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