Benefits of cumin seeds for Health and Fitness

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Cummins months of spices in the kitchen, the Arab, the smell of his striking, especially when crushed, enters in many famous dishes such as fish and seafood and other dishes, has many benefits, especially digestion, and remove the pain of the colon and will mention some of them:

Cummins lowers the level of blood sugar:

Cumin seeds are working to reduce the levels of sugar in the blood and thus helps maintain proper blood levels of content in the body. This represents a great benefit for people who suffer from diabetes.

Cummins strengthens the immune:
Where available cumin materials antioxidant, working to fight the radicals and free radicals, which makes the body's immunity to better disease control.

Cumin is useful during the menstrual cycle:
Cumin benefit women of all age groups, and has an effective impact on the menstrual cycle as well compensates what has been lost from the blood during the menstrual cycle, and also increases the immune system and physical strength and helps to relax, which need every girl and woman in that period.

Treats anemia:

Where the seeds are very rich in iron, and this iron content helps to treat anemia and makes rich blood hemoglobin and also help to act as a carrier of oxygen to the cells in the body.

Helps in the metabolism:
Iron in latency helps to maintain the metabolic activity of our food is Sahih.waltmthel meaning the body's ability to take advantage of the food and its ingredients are different, whether vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Cure for the common cold
Cumin is rich in vitamin C and anti-fungal properties which helps to treat colds and other respiratory problems. Specialists have found that eating cumin seeds are also used for kidney health.

Weight loss
As we mentioned earlier the importance of latency in improving digestion and break down food, and cracking toxins, and thus lose weight .. you can experience the following mixture of cumin to lose weight:
Components of the mixture, cumin and lemon

     Juice of one lemon.
     A cup of hot water.
     And a quarter teaspoon of cumin, a type of spices.

Mix these ingredients and drink this juice before each meal.

After nearly a month, and you'll notice a dramatic difference Stkhosran 4 kg per month.
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