Benefits of almonds for weight loss

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Adopt different diet programs to prevent eating certain nutrients and reduce the amount of other meals , and among the foods that doctors are advised to refrain from slimming their cases dealt with the nuts and as a result to contain a high percentage of saturated oils which helps in weight gain.

Almond differs from the rest of the different kinds of nuts and so for its ability to help the body get rid of stored fat , it provides a journal of your life in your hands in this article almond nutritional benefits that help in burning calories stored in the body in the form of fat accumulated .


This important element of the fruit contain almonds , potassium and superb ability to rid the body of stored water which gives it a false appearance of obesity , potassium also helps in reducing the pain of arthritis and treatment of dyspepsia and the treatment of some cases of headaches .

Vitamin B:

Almonds contain a great proportion of vitamin B , which helps to improve the mood, that's what makes almonds a wonderful treat for the cases of depression and psychological distress that afflicts some cases the diet .


Contain almonds are high in element magnesium , which plays a major role in controlling blood sugar and maintain a ratio of insulin , which helps to reduce the feeling of hunger , also controls the magnesium in 200 enzyme of enzymes burn calories , but for the benefits of other magnesium helps in reduce the feeling of tension and anxiety and help improve the ability to sleep well .

Snack wonderful:

As a result of the small size of almonds love you should be doing put a little of it in the pocket of the jacket and trousers or eat a light meal snack between meals to fill the appetite and alleviate the feeling of hunger .


May feel relegation and extreme weakness for the exercise of one of the systems of different diet , and it is because not dealt for some Alnanasr important that we need , the protein of one of these elements , has proven medical studies that a quarter cup of almonds contains 7 grams of protein and the amount of calories contained in a quarter cup of almonds 150 calories and that's what makes almonds a rich source of protein and a wonderful and very catalyst to complete the diet .

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